Inarin Lapin floora

Inarin Lapin floora

Turun yliopiston kasvitutkijat ovat kartoittaneet Inarin Lapin kasvilajistoa jo 1950-luvulta lähtien. Näiden kartoitusten pohjalta on valmistunut yhdeksänosainen Inarin Lapin putkilokasvien floora.

Mäkinen, Y., Piirainen, M., Laine, U., Nurmi, J., Heino, S., & Iso-Iivari, L. 2019. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 9. Geraniaceae – Primulaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 25: 1-170.

Mäkinen, Y., Laine, U., Heino, S., Iso-Iivari L. & Nurmi, J. 2011. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 8. Rosaceae and Fabaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 24: 3-126.

Mäkinen, Y., Laine, U., Heino, S. & Nurmi, J. 2005. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 7. Brassicaceae – Grossulariaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 23: 1-95.

Mäkinen, Y., Kallio, P., Laine, U. & Nurmi, J. 1998. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 6. Nymphaeaceae – Papaveraceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 22: 25-86.

Mäkinen, Y., Kallio, P., Laine, U. & Nurmi, J. 1982. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 5. Urticaceae – Caryophyllaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 18: 10-94.

Kallio, P. & Mäkinen, Y. 1978. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 4. Betulaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 14: 38-63.

Kallio, P. & Mäkinen, Y. 1975. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 3. Salicaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 12: 66-105.

Kallio, P., Laine, U. & Mäkinen, Y. 1971. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 2. Pinaceae and Cupressaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 8: 73-100.

Kallio, P., Laine, U. & Mäkinen, Y. 1969. Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 1. Introduction and Lycopodiaceae – Polypodiaceae. — Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 5: 1-108.